Solera Marketing Engine

Project Scope: Developed an AI-assisted workflow for the Solera Marketing Engine to improve the efficiency of marketing material creation.

Features and Achievements: Increased efficiency by 50%, streamlining the process and reducing manual effort. Attracted interest from high-profile clients like Mercedes Benz, showcasing the innovative capabilities of Solera’s solutions.

About Solera Marketing Engine

The Solera Marketing Engine is a powerful platform designed to streamline marketing efforts for car dealerships. It features On Demand, which allows quick creation and distribution of event-triggered marketing materials, and Journey NXT, which manages ongoing customer engagement through periodic campaigns. With integrated CRM tools and robust analytics, it helps dealerships efficiently target customers and optimize their marketing strategies.


Concept to dev handoff, Product & Interaction Designer


Jan 2024 - Mar 2024


2x Product Designer

1x UX Researcher

1x UX Manager

2x Customer support

1x Product owner


Getting ready for development

This work is under NDA

‍If you're interested in learning more about my experience at Solera, please reach out

‍If you're interested in learning more about my experience at Solera, please reach out